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Report on State Level Intercollegiate Photo Contest
Interconnected: Capture the amazing connection between Plants and Animals

The Department of Botany, Carmel College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Nuvem – Goa organized a State Level Intercollegiate Photo Contest, ‘Interconnected: Capture the amazing connection between Plants and Animals ‘ for undergraduate students in December 2021.

The objective of this contest was to develop an observant eye in students and to create interest in plant animal interactions occurring in nature. This would in turn encourage interdisciplinary ideas at undergraduate level.
43 entries from students of 9 colleges across the state qualified for the contest. The participants submitted attractive photographs along with creative captions for the same.

The judges for the competition were Dr. Nitin Sawant, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Goa University; Dr. Sidhesh Naik, Range Forest Officer, Wildlife Mollem; Ms. Shalita Dourado, Associate Fellow, The Coastal Ecology & Marine Resources Centre, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Western Regional Centre (WRC), Alto-St. Cruz, Tiswadi,Goa.

Ms. Avanee Ashok Govekar of St. Xaviers College Mapusa Goa won the first prize while Mr. ArifNadaf of Saraswat Vidyalaya’s SridoraCaculo College of Commerce and Management Studies, Mapusa Goa won the second prize in the contest.