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Dr. Divakar Krishna Mesta

Dr. Divakar Krishna Mesta

Assistant Professor

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Botany

Type of Appointment: Regular

Email Address:

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Years of Teaching Experience: 12 years

Subjects Taught: BiodiversityI(Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes), BiodiversityII(Vascular Plants), Plant Anatomy and Embryology, Plant Physiology, Classical Taxonomy and Phylogeny& Plant Ecology and Phytogeography.

Areas of Interest: Field taxonomy, Ecology, Biodiversity

Books Authored (Title, Publisher, Year):

Sameer Ali, Rao G.R., Divakar K. Mesta, Sreekantha, Vishnu D. Mukri, SubashChandran M.D., Gururaja K.V., Joshi N.V. and Ramachandra T.V., 2006. Ecological Status of Sharavathi Valley Wildlife Sanctuary. Sahyadri Conservation Series-1. Prism Books Pvt. Ltd. Chennai.

Book Chapter:
SubashChandran M.D. and Divakar K. Mesta. 2001. On the Conservation of the Myristica Swamps of the Western Ghats. In: Forest Genetic Resources, Status, Threats and Conservation Strategies. R. Umashankar, K.N.Ganeshaiah&Kamaljit S. Bawa(Eds.) Oxford & IBH New Delhi, pp. 1-19.

Research Papers Published/Presented (Paper title, Publication Name/Conference Name, page number, volume, month and year):

  1. Divakar K. Mesta& Ganesh R. Hegde, 2018. Forest Evergreenness and Tree Endemism in the Central Western Ghats, Southern India. Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT), 10(6):11743-11752.
  2. AshishPrabhugaonkar, Divakar K. Mesta and M.K. Janarthanam, 2014. First report of three redlisted tree species from swampy relics of Goa State, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT), 6(2): 5503–5506.
  3. Kanchana, R and Divakar Mesta, 2013. Native Feather Degradation by a Keratinophilic Fungus. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 5:2947-2954.
  4. Harsha V. Hegde, H.V., VinayakUpadhya, Sandeep R. Pai, Gurumurthi R. Hegde, GirishHosur and Divakar Mesta, 2013. A Preliminary Inventory and Management Plan for Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas at Amgaon and Kakati in Belgaum District of Karnataka. Indian Forester, 139: 843-850.
  5. Rao, G. R., D. K. Mesta, M.D. SubashChandran and T.V. Ramachandra, 2011. New Plant Records for Karnataka from Uttara Kannada District. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 35(1)-154-157.
  6. Mesta, D. K., Harsha V. Hegde, VinayakUpadhya and Sanjiva D. Kholkute, 2011. BurmanniachampioniiThwaites (Dioscoreales: Burmanniaceae), a new addition to the flora of Karnataka. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 3(1): 1465-1468. Available at:
  7. VinayakUpadhya, Hegde H.V., Divakar Mesta, Shankar Belchad, VeereshHampannavar and S.D. Kholkute. 2010. Digital database on ethno-medicinal plants of Western Ghats. Current Science, 99:1658-1659. Available at:
  8. Divakar K. Mesta, Harsha V. Hegde, VinayakUpadhya, G.R. Rao, Ganesh R. Hegde and S.D. Kholkute, 2009. Cassipoureaceylanica(Gardn.) Alston (1925) (Rhizophoraceae) in Karnataka, Journal of Threatened Taxa, 1: 530-532.
  9. UpadhyaVinayak, Divakar Mesta, H.V. Hegde, ShripadBhat and S.D. Kholkute. 2009. Ethnomedicinal Plants of Belgaum Region, Karnataka. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 33: 300-308.
  10. M.D. SubashChandran, D.K. Mesta, G.R. Rao, Sameer Ali, K.V. Gururaja and T.V. Ramachandra. 2008. Discovery of Two Critically Endangered Tree Species and Issues Related to Relic Forests of the Western Ghats. The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2:1-8.
  11. Sreekantha, M. D. SubashChandran, D. K. Mesta, G. R. Rao, K. V. Gururaja and T. V. Ramachandra 2007. Fish diversity in relation to landscape and vegetation in central Western Ghats, India. Current Science, 92:1592-1603.
  12.  Chandran, M.D.S., Mesta, D.K. and Naik, M.B. 1999. Myristica Swamps of Uttara Kannada District in Karnataka. Myforest35:207-221.

Extracurricular activities/hobbies: Field visits.