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The Carmelex association organised its much awaited annual singing competition on 14 th February 2019. This competition received an overwhelming response from all the streams. The judges for the competition were our very own Ex-student and voice of Carmel winner Ms. Priyanka Lone.

Ms. Prerna Agarwal, founder and director of Samanvay Kathak, a trained kathak dancer, choreographer, educator and philanthropist and Ms. Celiz Pinto, state level award winner for KWC (Karaoke World Championship). The event was sponsored by Rotary Club Margao, Sunrise. The winners are as follows:

Hindi Category

1 st place- Gargeyee Ashtekar (TYBSc)

2 nd place –Reena Palaskar (MSc)

3 rd Place- Catherine Theresa (SYBSc)


English Category

1 st place- Daniella Fernandes (MA)

2 nd  place –Riela Couto (MSc)

3 rd  Place- Gail Fernandes (MCom)


Konkani Category

1 st place- Aishwarya Afonso (MSc)

2 nd  place –Claster Cardoso (MCom)

3 rd Place- Nerissa Cardozo (SYBCom )