Dr. Sr. Maria Lizanne A.C.

Dr. Sr. Maria Lizanne A.C.

Associate Professor & Off. Principal

Designation: Associate Professor & Off. Principal

Department: Zoology

Type of Appointment: Permanent

Email Address: marializanne@carmelcollegegoa.org

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. PhD

Years of Teaching Experience: 20 years

Subjects Taught: Zoology, Ecology, Biotechnology and Environmental Studies

Areas of Interest: Nematology, Biotechnology Biodiversity.

Research Papers Published/Presented (Paper title, Publication Name/Conference Name, page number, volume, month and year):

Papers presented

  • Maria Lizanne A.C. and I. K. Pai (2013) Soil inhabiting, free living nematode fauna-irreplaceable organisms of soil detritus food web’. At the ‘4thInternational Symposium on Soil Inorganic Matter 2013’, Nanjing, China.
  • Maria Lizanne A.C. and I. K. Pai (2012) A Preliminary Survey on Soil Inhabiting Nematodes of Goa, National Seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Biological Sciences’, St Aloysius , Mangalore, India.

Papers published

  • Maria Lizanne A.C. and I. K. Pai, “Checklist of soil nematodes, based on vegetation, from the South Goa District, Goa”, Biojournal, December 2013, Vol.8 No.: 2, 23 -31.
  • Maria Lizanne A.C. and I. K. Pai, “A preliminary survey on soil inhabiting and plant parasitic nematodes of Southern Goa”, Journal of Threatened Taxa, 26 January 2014 / 6(1):5400-5412.
  • Maria Lizanne A.C. and I. K. Pai, “Soil inhabiting nemafauna – irreplaceable organisms in enhancing soil fertility”, Kruti, October 2014, Vol. 1 No.: 1, 55-64.
  • M Lizanne, T Naik and V Mathe, “Oviposition, antixenosis and antibiosis traits in coconut palm cultivars against red palm weevil, Rhynchophorusferrugineus, Indian Journal of Plant Protection, September 2016, Vol. 44 No.: 3, 380-382.

Maria Lizanne A.C., Mary Jomy P.S., Kimberly Fatima Barreto and ShimonaSwellaDa Costa, “The study of the accumulation of some heavy metals on the Goan estuarine oyster –Crassostrea madrasensis(Preston, 1916), Biojournal, December 2019, Vol.14 No.: 2, 9 –17.

Awards and Honours: Awarded ‘Summer Research Fellowship’ by Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, May – June & November – 2012.
IMRF Best Scientist Award in Animal Biotechnology, at IMRF 100th International Conference Goa on March 16th 2019.

Extracurricular activities/hobbies:Research, Gardening, Reading, Music, Art, Travelling, Social service specially for the neglected and marginalized.

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