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Mrs. Vinita Carmen Jacinta de Araujo QuadrosD’Sa

Mrs. Vinita Carmen Jacinta de Araujo QuadrosD’Sa

Assistant Professor

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Zoology

Type of Appointment: Permanent

Email Address:

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc.

Years of Teaching Experience: 25 years

Subjects Taught: Zoology, Marine Science, Environmental science, Food technology, Value Education

Areas of Interest: Arachnology, Embryology, Parasitology

Research Papers Published/Presented (Paper title, Publication Name/Conference Name, page number, volume, month and year):

Research papers published:

  1. Diel Cycle of some abiotic factors and microbial quality of a fresh water reservoir during monsoons at Mormugao, Goa.

M.R. Borkar, K. Saraswat, V.  Quadros and D. Fernandes
Bioved 3 (2): 133 – 136, 1992

  1. Observations on the courtship ritual of whip spider, Phrynichusphipsoni (PhrynichidaeAmblypygi) in wild.

V.Q.D’Sa, M.R.Borkar
‘Samshodhan’ Vol. No. 1(2) October 2006
Research papers presented:

  1. ‘Sensory Assembly of the Antenniform leg of the whip spider Phrynichusphipsoni (Phrynichidae, Amblypygi)’ at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Current and emerging trends in Animal Sciences -An Overview” organized by Department of Zoology of Smt. Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science, Margao, on 27th November 2010.
  1. ‘Fine structure of the ‘Pedipalpal Cleaning Organ’ of the whip spider

(Phrynichusphipsoni, Pocock 1900)’ as resolved by Scanning Electron Microscopy at the Two-Day National Conference on “Frontiers in Technologies for Conservation of Environment “organized by Department of Zoology, Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa and sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi on 10th and 11th February, 2011.

Extracurricular activities/hobbies: Singing, gardening, baking, listening to music. Bird watching