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The Department of Economics and the Department of Political Science, Carmel College of Arts, Science and Commerce for Women  jointly organized a health camp on Bone Density Detection, in association with ‘Your Lifestyle’- a health and wellness institute, on 27th and 28th April, 2022 at the college premises. The camp aimed to raise awareness on bone health and to counsel on preventive and curative measures for bone related ailments. Mr. Santosh Vernekar, health care advisor along with technical staff from Your Lifestyle institute conducted the camp using a quantitative ultrasound bone densitometer and advised participants based on the test outcomes. There was an overwhelming response with 208 students of the college, 76 staff members and  39 local community members and parents of students from Nuvem, Majorda and other neigbouring areas availing the facility.

The camp was a community service initiative of the departments of Economics and Political Science, in commemoration of 75 years of India’s Independence.